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Minerva will hold their annual Homecoming Celebration on Wednesday, June 12th with the Parade kicking off the festivities at 6pm. After the parade, join us in Municipal Park for the […]
Minerva continues its Homecoming Celebration on Thursday, June 13th . The Midway opens at 6 this night with rides provided by Kissel Amusement Company. Wristbands are $12 or $2 single […]
Minerva continues its Homecoming Celebration on Friday, June 14th. The Midway opens at 6 this night with rides provided by Kissel Amusement Company. Wristbands are $18 or $2 single tickets […]
Stockers and Streeters will hold their annual on the Bricks car show, Saturday, June 15th in downtown Minerva. Registration is open from 8am-12pm with the show concluding at 3pm. There […]
Attention golfers! Sign up now for Minerva Mission's fifth annual golf outing, which will be Saturday, June 15, at Great Trail Golf Course. This event raises money for Minerva High […]
Minerva finishes off its Homecoming Celebration on Saturday, June 15th with a whole day filled with activities. The Midway opens at 4 that day with rides provided by Kissel Amusement […]
Easy Street band will perform at Bluebird Park Farm on Saturday, June 15th at the Bluebird Farm Park located in the Carroll County Park District. 190 Alamo Rd. Carrollton, Oh […]
The Minerva Roxy Theatre Players once again bring to you another thrilling murder mystery for you, the audience, to solve. MURDER, LAS VEGAS STYLE: A Killer Casino Murder Mystery. The […]
Join the Sandy Creek Running Club this Wednesday, July 10, 6 p.m., for a group run or walk! There will be 2- or 3.3-mile courses. Begin and end at Sandy […]